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The British Chinese League Strategy
Vision Statement:
- The guiding aim of the British Chinese League is to provide a Premier-standard competition for Chinese table-tennis teams in the UK, and to provide quality competition for the UK Chinese community via the inception and introduction of an Annual League Programme.
- The proposed Annual League programme would include categories for SBL (senior men/ women), WBL (women), VBL (veterans) & JBL (junior) divisions, which may be further segregated by ranking or ability.
- To maintain an online platform to provide information and reports for fixtures, results and league tables.
- To organise and deliver annual weekend-based events for all or any of the WBL, VBL and JBL categories.
- To promote British Chinese League teams and the participating players within the UK Chinese community.
- To encourage the development of Chinese- membership clubs, UK-based Chinese players, officials and volunteers.
- To support the development of aspiring young players with talent within the UK Chinese community to help fulfil their playing ambitions.
- To explore suitable avenues to effectively facilitate and deliver opportunities for participant-led projects which engage and benefit the UK Chinese community and their global counterparts.
- To engage with EU Chinese table-tennis organisations and players with the aim of presenting cross-border tournaments for the UK and European Chinese communities.
Regulations for the National league